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As For Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord

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During his many years as a New Church pastor, Rt. Rev. Bradley Heinrichs noticed that some parents had remarkable success in passing on their love of the church to their children, while others parents were less successful. This led him to reflect on the question, What can we do as parents to increase our children’s chances of loving the Lord, reading the Word ,and embracing the teachings of the New Church?​

​The result is this brilliant and thoughtful book, based on twenty principles drawn from the Word and illustrated with moving examples from his own upbringing as a boy growing up in the New Church. Some of those principles include such things as remembering the Sabbath Day, educating our children about marriage, and urging self compulsion. While these principles are well known, you will find that his illustrations are unique, inspiring and delightful. This book is a rich blessing, filled with heaven-sent guidance about how to raise children that might become the angels of heaven they are intended to be.

Book Details

Author/Translator : Heinrichs, Brad

Publisher : The General Church of the New Jerusalem

Publication Date : 2023 The General Church of the New Jerusalem

Dimensions : 6.25x 0.75 x 9.25

Language : English

ISBN-10 : HC - 978-1-956974-00-3, PB - 978-0945003-1-8

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