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Doctrine of Sacred Scripture (Rogers)

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Throughout his theological writings, Emanuel Swedenborg devotes more pages to discussing the inner, spiritual meaning of the Bible than to any other topic.

In this short work, Swedenborg explains how the inner meaning of the Bible relates to its outer (literal) meaning, and he cites numerous biblical passages to show how similar themes emerge again and again. He describes two distinct layers of inner meaning―the heavenly and the spiritual―and shows how an understanding of that inner meaning strengthens a person’s connection with Deity and with heaven.

Book Details

Author/Translator : Emanuel Swedenborg (written by), Rogers, N. Bruce (translated by)

Publisher : The General Church of the New Jerusalem

Publication Date : 2013 The General Church of the New Jerusalem

Dimensions : 5 x 0.5 x 8

Language : English

ISBN-10 : 978-0-945003-69-4

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